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Join us for the 2023 NorthWest SPOR Collaborative Forum on Patient-Oriented Research, hosted by the Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit. This year’s theme is “Your Stories: Creating Impact Through Patient-Oriented Research“. This hybrid (in-person and online) event will include plenary panel sessions, workshop presentations, networking activities, a poster session, highlighted oral abstract presentations, and much more!

We are looking for presenters to submit abstracts that focus on research that contributes to the continuum of patient-oriented research and relates to this year’s conference theme: Your Stories: Creating Impact Through Patient-Oriented Research.

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: July 10, 2023, 11:59 PM MT


Day 1: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 | In-person at the Matrix Hotel in Edmonton, Alberta
Day 2: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | Virtual

Location: Hybrid (in-person and online)

Registration opens soon

Direct questions to diana.ketolambert@ucalgary.ca